Housing Element Update

State Review & Certification Process


On May 9, 2022, Sacramento County officially received certification of the 2021-2029 Housing Element​​ from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HDC). Certification letter

Second State Review ​​​

The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) reviewed the revised Housing Element and provided additional comments that were addressed in this letter dated February 14, 2022. Staff also received a comment letter from Sacramento Housing Alliance (SHA) dated February 7, 2022. 

​Staff has met with both groups to address the revisions needed and has provided HCD with a revised Housing Element. The Board of Supervisor's (BOS) approved the revised Housing Element (Clean / Track Changes) at the March 8th hearing. These documents were sent to HCD for another review to receive certification. 

Fall 2021

HCD did not certify the approved 2021-2021 Housing Element and provided the County with a comment letter of items to address. 

Staff has made revisions to address those comments and has sent back a draft Housing Element document​ to HCD on December 15, 2021.  

Earlier BOS Action in 2021  

The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously on July 27, 2021 to adopt the 2021-2029 Housing Element. ​

To view the updated Housing Element, visit the General Plan webpage. 


  • ​Public Outreach: Spring/Summer 2020
  • Prepare Draft Element: Summer 2020 - Winter 2020​
  • Planning Commission & Board of Supervisors Workshops: Summer 2020 - Fall 2020
  • Report Back to Outreach Participants: Fall 2020
  • Board of Supervisors Adoption Hearing: July 2021
  • State Certification: October 2021


State housing law requires Sacramento County to plan to meet ​the housing needs of all income groups through the Housing Element, an element of the County's General Plan. The County's Housing element Update will cover a period of 2021 through 2029 and will result in modifications to the 2013-2021 Housing Element to address the changing needs of County residents as well as changes to State housing law. The County is required to demonstrate that it can accommodate a specific number of units for each income category within a specific time frame – this process is known as the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA).

Regional Housing Needs Allocation

As a part of the Housing Element, the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) works with each region's council of governments (COG) to determine the projected housing needs in the region. Sacramento County is within the jurisdiction of the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG). SACOG is responsible for distributing HCD's housing needs allocation between the cities and counties within the region.

Housing Element Components

  • Constraints Analysis: Analyzes governmental and nongovernmental constraints to the development of housing.
  • Evaluation of Past Performance: Assesses the County's progress in implementing the policies and programs set forth in the prior Housing Element.
  • Goals, Policies and Programs: Establishes new policies and programs and amends existing policies and programs to address the housing needs.
  • Housing Needs Assessment: Provides demographic and housing need information.
  • Housing Resources: Identifies financial and other resources available to support housing development, especially affordable housing.
  • Public Participation: Summarizes the efforts to involve community members as part of the Housing Element update process as well as the feedback community members provided and how that has been addressed in the Housing Element.​
  • Sites Inventory and Analysis: Identifies sites available for housing development in order to accommodate the County's RHNA.

Public Outreach

Summary (if available) 
Informational Webinars
(April 202​​0
County staff recorded two informational webinars in April; one in English and one in Spanish​.  

Interactive Webinars (May 2020 
County staff hosted two interactive webinars for County residents and community organizations.
Housing Element Outreach Summary 
Focus Group Meetings
(May 2020)
County staff also hosted five focus group meetings with ​stakeholders and advocates. 

Housing Element Outreach Summary ​​

Housing Element Webinars 
(November 2020)
Staff hosted webinars to present draft policies and programs to the public. ​​Housing Element Webinar Summary​​

​​​Workshops & Public Hearings 

  • Board of Supervisors Hearing on July 27, 2021 ​ The Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the Housing Element. Visit the Board of Supervisors webpage for the agenda and materials.  
  • Planning Commission Hearing on June 14, 2021 ​  The Planning Commission recommended approval of the Housing Element and made comments related to tenant protections, market-rate housing and permit timing, and overlay zones to incentivize development. Visit the Sacramento County Planning Commission Meeting webpage for the agenda and materials. 
  • Board of Supervisor​s Presentation on October 6, 2020 – The purpose of this presentation was to provide the Board of Supervisors and members of the public with the opportunity to review proposed new Housing Element programs and to provide feedback early in the process. See the Board of Supervisors Public Meeting webpage.   
  • County Planning Commission Workshop on July 27, 2020The purpose of this presentation was to provide the Planning Commission ​and members of the public with the opportunity to review proposed new Housing Element programs and to provide feedback early in the process.​ See County Planning Commission Meeting webpage for materials, instructions to watch/listen live and to make a public comment. 
  • Community Planning Advisory Council (CPAC)  - Housing Element Update team attended all 14 CPAC meetings held during October and November to provide all CPAC members and members of the community the opportunity to review proposed Housing Element programs and to provide feedback in the process. Here is a link to the CPAC Summary Workshops​​

​Environmental Review 

Sacramento County has prepared a Negative Declaration for the Housing Element Update pursuant to the California En​vironmen​tal Quality Act (CEQA).

For general inquiries regarding the Housing Element, please email at ​HousingElement@saccounty.gov​ ​​​​​​​​​​​​