Florin-Vineyard Community Plan

​Project Description:

In 1999, the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors initiated a community planning program for the Florin-Vineyard area, also known as the “Gap” area. The term “Gap” has been used to refer to this area because it is located between the existing urban area to the west of Elk Grove- Florin Road and comprehensively planned urban areas to the east (i.e., North Vineyard Station and Vineyard Springs). The goal of this planning process is to provide a vision for the orderly and systematic urbanization of the study area through the establishment of a preferred land use plan and a facilities finance element based upon this plan.

Project Location/Boundary:

The Florin-Vineyard Community Plan area covers approximately 3,872 acres and is located within the community planning areas of both Vineyard and South Sacramento. The boundaries of the Florin-Vineyard Community Plan are generally Elder Creek Road on the north, Bradshaw Road on the east, the Churchill Downs neighborhood to the south, and the Union Pacific Railroad tracks on the west.

Project Documents

The Florin Vineyard Community Plan was approved by the County Board of Supervisors on December 15, 2010.  Please click on the following links to view final approved land use plan and document.

​Financing Plan (October 30, 2008)

Although titled "Public Review Draft", these documents are the final approved Financing Plan for the Florin Vineyard Community Plan.

​​Archived Materials

Agendas and Minutes: Florin-Vineyard Gap Community Plan Project  

Joint meetings of Vineyard and South Sacramento CPACs held 2009-2010.

Background Materials