Search for Environmental Documents and Public Notices

Applicants and Citizens with who are interested in tracking development projects may want to view associated documents related to the project’s environmental review process. 

Project-specific Public Notices and Environmental Documents can be searched for using the project control number or application title.  If you don’t have that information, you can find it through the Track Private Application (Project Viewer) site to search for projects by community, address or through other identifiers. 

Search for Environmental Documents to find information about the environmental review status of projects, and view related environmental documents.  The search includes projects that are completed or in-progress.  Documents types include the Environmental Impact Reports (EIR), Negative Declarations (ND), and Categorical Exemptions. 

For more information on the types of documents please view Environmental Documents Defined.

Search for Public Notices. Public notices are issued by lead agencies under CEQA to inform the general public and applicants of:

  • Availability of environmental documents for review (Notice of Availability)
  • Final determination of approval by the lead agency of the environmental document (Notice of Determination)
  • Exemption of a project from CEQA requirements by the lead agency (Notice of Exemption)
  • Intention of the lead agency to adopt a Negative Declaration or Mitigated Negative Declaration for a project. (Notice of Intent)

For more information o​n the Public Notice types see Public Notice Defined.